Sunday, June 2, 2013

Joy Dare

It took awhile, but I finally read One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I read it with a friend from Columbus, Julie Johnson Brashear, who I haven't seen in years. But, it was a gift in and of itself to reunite with her and begin recognizing the gifts (even the really hard ones) that come from God in the lives we are living.

I would love to write more about the book itself when I have more time. This post is to set up the future posts of gift counting. Voskamp publishes a monthly schedule of a gift "scavenger hunt". It is simply an opportunity to look for the gifts that are around us -- sometimes in the most common ways.

I would love it if anyone reading would join me in my scavenger hunt. It is way more fun to see gifts together -- it only magnifies God's work in every life. So, feel free to post a comment with the gifts you see today and every day!

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